Our new video is online to take you with our song…enjoy!
Our new video from Werkstatt der Kulturen
Here is a little taste of our Lysergical Intro @ Werkstatt der Kulturen! Enjoy 🙂
Duda and no doubt it is cold outside…!
And because with this weather we don’t go out of the house… here is Duda! http://t.co/BNs05UhCUD #musicvideo #Berlin
— San Ima (@SanIma_Music) 22. Januar 2014
Dezembro by San Ima – Teaser
We are caipirinhas in dezembro, Glühwein on the beach, Christmas under the palm trees. Memories. Lost where some are found; found where there is no certainty.
Our music video of “Manga e Chocolate” is online!
Our music video is ready to go… thanks to Cristina Amate for so much loooOOOve and thanks to Ima, who was hidden somewhere in the video!
Circo de acácias – teaser
Here is a little taste of our new song Circo de acácias (2013 – teaser by Aretchan feat. el Gorelik)